Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Trip to London

I'm going away for a trip to London. I'll be leaving this afternoon and won't be back until Sunday evening. I'm so excited and we have all our days pretty much planned. Majority of the time will be spent shopping though. Usually I leave my packing until the last minute but I was extremely bored today and so I thought I'd get it over and done with. My excitement just keeps growing and growing.

While I'm there I'm hoping to take loads of pictures to share with you.

What are your plans for the rest of the week?


  1. It always takes me forever to pack but I love it! Nice stuff by the way! I am just bringing a purse and a carry on suitcase so I have to cut down! Ha! Anyways, please check out my beauty blog! Oh ya, I noticed you have the simple makeup wipes (I think) do those work well? I was thinking of buying them. Anyways, thanks!

    Xo, The Cute Little Beauty Blogger

    1. Don't worry I'm usually an over packer so for me this is barely anything. I will definitely check out your blog :) Yes I love them. I have used these wipes for years!

