Thursday, 28 February 2013

Feeling down and under the weather

I recently have become pretty ill. I have not felt this bad in so long. It all started about a week ago with just a simple headache, however as each day has gone by I've been feeling worse and worse. I have still had to go about my everyday things including go to school because I cannot afford to fall behind in any of my subjects. To make this worse I've had to revise for a test throughout all of this. I'm happy to say that the test is now done and I can now slow down a little and try to regenerate and bounce back from this illness. Hopefully I'll be able to spend most of my weekend just relaxing in the hope that it will help me feel better. We all know how illnesses and being ill can get us all down however we have to find ways to look past all the bad things and try to be find some pick me ups.

These two images are not only absolutely adorable but are a good representation of what I have been like over the past few days. I plan on spending the rest of my evening in bed watching some TV shows. Luckily I have loads of TV episodes to catch up on including The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural so I guess it's all good. I'll be getting a nice big bowl of soup and wrapping myself up in my duvet for the rest of the day. How lovely!

Everyone knows it's easy to get yourself down when you're ill but there are ways to combat this. One of the easiest ways is to search some inspirational quotes. There are so many of them out there I'm sure there will be at least one that everyone would love. With that point I leave you with a quote that is a personal favourite of mine.

Remember to stay positive!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Olive Garden

With Spring just around the corner I'm taking inspiration from the plants beginning to blossom. Although I'm not confident enough to wear bright green eyeshadow I do love a deep smokey eye. This lead to me searching through my whole makeup collection to see what sort of look I could create and to my surprise I had quite a few products to choose from.

I began by applying the elf cream eyeliner in Metallic Olive all the my lid to act as a base for my eyeshadow. This was done extremely messily as I then blended it out to soften the edges. This product was so easy to blend and I think I have found a new love for this product. Next I applied the light green from the Gosh Evergreen palette to the inner half of my eyelid in an attempt to brighten up my eyes slightly.

 Finally I took the deep green from the Sleek Storm palette and applied it to the outer half of my eye. I then blended it out and repeated this until I was happy with the deepness of the eyeshadow. I finished the look of by applying the  L'oreal Superliner in Black Crystals and the Soap and Glory Thick and Fast mascara. All of these eyeshadows are really pigmented and all very easy to blend. I can't wait to have a night out so that I have an excuse to wear this look.


Monday, 25 February 2013


 I seem to have a quite a large collection of photos of some of my outfits on my phone. I thought I would go ahead and share them with you. You'll probably notice that I tend to wear very similar outfits all the time. I'm thinking about starting a weekly post to show you what I wear throughout the week.

Are there any outfits you like more than others?

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Week In Photos #2

1. Definitely had a successful trip / 2. He just keeps staring / 3. Can I be back in London please? / 4. Such a beautiful place /

5. Snack time / 6. Want to change my hair colour again but no idea what to do /  7. Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway and these / 8. No Motivation at all right now/ 9. Hey Cutie! 


Friday, 22 February 2013

Pretty Picnic

For the past couple months I've become extremely lazy when it comes to doing my eye makeup. For quite a while it's just been a case of curling my eyelashes and putting on some mascara and then I'm good to go. However I've decided to try and put more effort from now on.

The look I created is very simple but I love the effect it has on my eyes. It just seems to brighten up my eyes and the sparkles help but me in a slightly better mood when I'm having a bad day.  All the eyeshadows I used for this look were from an elf palette called Pretty Picnic. I can't remember how much the palette cost exactly but I can definitely tell you that they were not very expensive. However they are very good quality and when used with a primer last all day on the eyes.
First I placed the lightest shade all over my eyelid using an elf eyeshadow brush. I then took the middle shade and applied it to the outer half of my lid lightly blending the two colours together. Next I took the plum shade and blended it through my crease before blending out all the edges. I finished the look off by adding the Soap & Glory thick and fast mascara.

I love how quick and easy this eye look is and it is perfect for me when I am in a rush. I will definitely be wearing this look more often from now on. With spring coming up I hope to try and branch out and wear some brighter colours on my eyes as I've always tended to wear more neutral colours.

What is your favourite eye look at the moment? Any looks you're excited to try for spring?


Wednesday, 20 February 2013

London Haul

Hello! I thought I would share all the things I bought while I was away in London. I didn't have a list of things I wanted to get it was just the case of looking around and picking up anything that caught my eye.  Anyway, on with the post

Gold Cross Necklace
I picked this up from the Gogo Phillip stand in Topshop. I've recently had an obsession with any jewellery in the shape of a cross as you will see later on in this post
M and M Necklace
After visiting M and M World I thought it was only right that I pick up something other than just chocolate and therefore I picked this cute little necklace.
Faux Leather Bag
This little beauty was from Primark and was a bargain at only £10. The picture definitely does not do it justice. It is a huge bag which will be perfect for school as I am always struggling to fit all my books in my current bag.

All of these were purchased in Primark and as you can see there's a recurring theme of crosses. Like I said I have a slight obsession that seems to be slowly getting out of hand but I definitely won't be cutting down on it any time soon.

Another purchase from Primark. I was originally planning on buying this particular jacket. However the other jacket was not available in my size and so I settled for this army style instead. 

Red Hat
I already have a huge collection of beanie hats but I didn't see any harm in adding to the collection. This was from Topshop and was in the sale for only £7. 
Zombie Hat
I have always loved anything zombie related and when I saw this hat in the London Bridge Experience gift shop I knew I had to have it. I have worn it almost everyday since I bought it and everyday I have at least five people comment on it.

Skull Scarf
I bought this in Primark and it is an infinity style scarf. I prefer infinity scarves more than normal scarves because I feel like they keep me much warmer which is perfect when it is this cold in the UK.
I love it when you can see the top of your socks out of the top of your boots and when I saw these little tie-dye beauties I kept thinking about how cute they would look. The little frills at the top of the socks add a nice girly touch to the socks.

Anything studded will always be a huge hit with me. If I see studs on a piece of clothing I am instantly attracted to that piece and it's definitely a struggle to pull me away from it. All three pairs were from Primark and were all bargains.

I am currently trying to build up my collection of denim shorts so that I have plenty for summer. Both of these pairs were from Primark and were both £12. 

I have been looking for a leather jacket for so long. Being a picky person I have struggled to find one I really like. However the day finally came when I was looking through Camden Market. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw it. I instantly knew I had to have it. It's so soft and so comfortable, I can't wait to get loads of wear out of it.

All three tops were from Primark. The two patterned ones are my favourite and are so comfortable. The material is so soft and to top it all off they have studs on them!

Overall I'm definitely happy with everything I purchased and I'm so excited to start wearing it all. I probably won't be doing much shopping for a while so that I can do some saving up but we all know what a struggle that can be! ;)


Tuesday, 19 February 2013


 I had such an amazing time away and it's definitely going to take me a couple days to catch up on sleep. To the point of this post I'm going to take you through my days while I was gone.

My flight arrived in London at about 5:30pm and by the time we got to the hotel it was 7:00pm. We didn't do much that evening apart from going for a walk to see what was nearby our hotel and get something to eat.

We were up early and out of the hotel quickly. We first headed to the London Bridge Experience on Tooley Street. This was something I had been excited about for months and it definitely lived up to my expectations and I would definitely recommend visiting it. Afterwards we headed to the nearby Borough Market and I got the nicest juice I have ever tasted (Apple and Cranberry). If you're ever in the market you should try it. We spent the rest of the day walking around got some dinner before going to see Matilda the Musical at the Cambridge Theatre. Going to see a stage show has always been a dream of mine and when I was a child Matilda was my favourite film ever. Therefore when my dad said I could choose any show I want, it was definitely an easy decision for me. The show was amazing and extremely funny. The songs were unbelievably catchy and I have had them stuck in my head for days.

 In the morning we first headed of for some breakfast and then spent a few hours walking around the Natural History Museum. In all honestly I spent more time admiring the architecture of the museum rather than the actual exhibits. It was so big but had an immense amount of detail. In the afternoon we went to Harrods and then headed to Oxford Street to do some shopping.  In the evening we lay down for an hour because we were so tired and then went out for a nice meal.

My parents made me get up at 5:30am and we were out of the hotel at 6:45am. We headed of to Camden and walking around for a couple hours before looking through the markets. I finally purchased a gorgeous leather jacket, I really couldn't love it anymore than I do. After I went to Leicester Square to visit M and M's World and may I say I felt like I was in heaven. It was huge with 'four levels of fun' filled with everything you could think of m and m related, I never wanted to leave. Then I went and did some more shopping for a few hours before dropping my bags off at the hotel and going out for the evening. It was pretty chilled that night as it was our last night in London.

 Today was the first day I was able to have a bit of a lie-in and my goodness did it feel great. At lunch time we slowly made our way to the airport and not long after going through to departures we were already being called to our gate. It does feel good to be home again but I'd much rather still me in London.

I'll be doing a haul with all the things I got in my next post.


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Week In Photos #1

1. Just what I need right now  / 2. Blissful   / 3. Pancakes
4. Let's go!  / 5. Absolutely amazing!  / 6. Heaven

Friday, 15 February 2013

Everyday Makeup

 I used to be one for wearing lots of eyeliner and super dark eyeshadow but recently I've been preferring a much more natural eye look. I was always good for swapping and changing products to try new thing however now that I'm trying to use things up I tend to stick to the products I really like. With my skin improving as well I'm starting to wear less foundation and I can honestly say I now prefer the 'less is more' look for my day to day routine.

- Rimmel London 25 Hour Foundation
- Benefit Bo-ing Concealor
- L'oreal Paris Touch Magique
-Benefit Hello Flawless Powder
- Bourjois Delice De Poudre Bronzing Powder
- Topshop Cream Blush
- Colour Trend Cream Eyeshadow
- Soap & Glory Thick & Fast Mascara
- Elf Eyebrow Kit
-Gosh Velvet Touch Lipstick
- Missguided Lipgloss

What products do you use on a daily basis?