Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Review: Graze Box #2

Another week, another graze box. I was super excited to see what new snacks I would get to try this week and I definitely wasn't disappointed. As always it came nicely packaged in it's recyclable box.

What I got this week:

Copacabana- milk chocolate buttons, dark chocolate buttons and brazil nuts. This was seriously the tastiest thing ever! Brazil nuts are my favourite and with chocolate too, couldn't ask for a better combination!

Honeycomb Flapjack- rustic rolled oat flapjack with honeycomb and milk chocolate. This too tasted amazing. I don't tend to eat flapjacks because usually because they tend to be too sweet for my tastes. However this one had the perfect balance!

Chocolate Orange- granola seeds, blanched almonds, dark chocolate drops and orange infused raisins. Again another chocolate snack which is perfect for someone like me who is a complete chocoholic! I added this on top of my porridge for breakfast and I must say it was delicious.

Lightly Toasted Pistachios- roasted pistachios with a touch of salt. This was the only snack in this box that did not contain any chocolate. I'm still undecided about this one. I had never tried pistachios before and I'm unsure whether I like them or not. I'll definitely try them again in the future and see whether I can actually decided whether I like them or not.

This was definitely my favourite box so far and I'm excited to try some more. The graze boxes are definitely perfect for satisfying those cravings I get throughout the day. After this box I don't know whether graze can make a better one but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Would you like a graze box for free? Just click HERE and you'll be able to have one sent to you at not cost at all!



  1. i got Honeycomb Flapjack in the first Grazebox and they were amazing wish i could find a recipe for them!


    1. It really was, ever since trying it I keep getting cravings for it!
