Saturday, 30 March 2013

Gold Liner

As I have blue eyes I'm always trying to find colours and shades that will help make my eyes pop.  My favourite colour to do this recently is gold.  This led to this particular look. It really helps make my eyes stand out and every time I wear it I get so many compliments on my eyes.

It is so simple to create and yet looks very sleek and like you've spent a good amount of time on it. 

I began by applying the lightest shade from my Revlon Colourstay eyeshadow quad in Coffee Bean and blended this all over the eyelid. This was to cancel out any discolouration and help hide any veins that could be seen. Next I lined my eyes the Avon Arabian Glow eyeliner in Gold and flicked out the liner at the ends. This liner is very creamy and so to help it stay in place all day I applied Half Baked eyeshadow from the Urban Decay Naked palette over the top. By applying the eyeshadow it also helped to intensify the gold colour as well as setting the eyeliner. I finished the look by applying liner to my waterline and applied two coats of mascara.

I love this look and I think it will be perfect for the spring and summer when I won't want to spend as much time on my makeup. Also during the spring and summer I do not feel like wearing the dark and heavy makeup I tend to wear in the winter as the weather is getting warmer. I can't wait to wear this look more.

What do you think of this look? Would you wear it?


Thursday, 28 March 2013

Current Favourite Lip Products

I have never been a lip gloss girl. I have always tended to go for lipsticks of lip stains. If you have seen some of my other posts you may have noticed that I also tend to go for the deeper shades of lipsticks. It's now rare that I leave the house without a bold lip as that is what I feel most comfortable wearing. I like wearing stains as it means I don't have to keep reapplying constantly throughout the day. I thought I would share some of the lip products I have been loving over the past few months.

1. Rimmel Kate Moss Matte Lipstick- 107 
This lipstick is quite new to my collection but I have been wearing it so much. It has become a necessity for me. You can read my full review HERE
2. Bourjois Rouge Edition Lipstick - 14 Pretty Prune
This too is pretty new to my collection. However, I have been switching between this and the rimmel lipstick on a daily basis. I have a full review of this product HERE
3. Maybelline Superstay 10hr Tint Gloss-  Timeless Plum
The superstay glosses are sometimes compared to the YSL glossy stains. The longevity of this stain is amazing and so perfect for applying in the morning and not having to think about it again. It has a gorgeous fruity scent and can be purchased for £6.99 in Boots.  
4. Revlon Kissable Balm Stain- Crush
When these were first released I was quick to race down to my local boots to pick them up. This is a gorgeous deep berry colour. It's great for those you are not so comfortable wearing bolder lips as you can build up or sheer out the colour to your preference. 
5. Revlon Kissable Balm Stain- Romantic
This stain is a lovely red shade with an orange undertone to it. Although I would have preferred this shade to be more pigmented the shade can be built up with a few layers. These revlon stains can be purchased for £7.99 from Boots
6. Gosh - 134 Darling
My last favourite lipstick is sort of the odd one out of the bunch as it is the only nude. I tend to wear this on the days when I am in more of a rush or need to wear a much more natural look. This applies so smoothly and has a lovely glossy finish.

What lip products are you currently loving? Have you tried any of these?


Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Easter Trip

I really should be packing right now but I wanted to get this post up. Tomorrow I will be getting up at 4:30am to get a boat to Dublin. I am then driving up to my gran's and I'll be staying there for a week. I have scheduled some posts for while I'm away so it'll be like I never even disappeared. I hope you all have a lovely week.


Sunday, 24 March 2013

Week in Pictures #6

I made a new instagram this week. I wanted one that had a bit more of a theme and so I decided to have to same username as my blog and have been posting much more than usual! I would love it if you follow my new instagram, you can do this by clicking the link in the sidebar.

What have you been up to this week?


Friday, 22 March 2013

Review: Bourjois Rouge Edition Lipstick 14 Pretty Prune

In the past couple months bourgeois released a new range of lipsticks called the Rouge Edition. There are 18 different shades to pick from which are divided into three categories: Preppy, Colour Block and Night Out. The shade range is amazing and there really is a shade for everyone.

I picked up only one lipstick to try out. I chose number 14 which is named Pretty Prune and is from the Night Out category. Although I am not particularly fond of the name it is a gorgeous deep red/plum shade. The lipstick applies very smoothly to the lips and is also very hydrating.  The pigmentation of the lipstick is absolutely incredible and it also has great staying power which is perfect for those who don't like to be constantly reapplying their lipstick. The lipstick is not glossy but also isn't matte, it has a very subtle sheen which is absolutely lovely.

I am completely in love with this lipstick and cannot wait to get more use out of it. I will also be sure to pick up some more lipsticks from the range as I'm sure they're all just as amazing as this one. The Bourjois Rouge Edition Lipsticks can be purchased for £7.99 however they are very often included in many offers HERE

Have you tried any of the Rouge Edition lipsticks? What are your opinions?


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Review: Graze Box #2

Another week, another graze box. I was super excited to see what new snacks I would get to try this week and I definitely wasn't disappointed. As always it came nicely packaged in it's recyclable box.

What I got this week:

Copacabana- milk chocolate buttons, dark chocolate buttons and brazil nuts. This was seriously the tastiest thing ever! Brazil nuts are my favourite and with chocolate too, couldn't ask for a better combination!

Honeycomb Flapjack- rustic rolled oat flapjack with honeycomb and milk chocolate. This too tasted amazing. I don't tend to eat flapjacks because usually because they tend to be too sweet for my tastes. However this one had the perfect balance!

Chocolate Orange- granola seeds, blanched almonds, dark chocolate drops and orange infused raisins. Again another chocolate snack which is perfect for someone like me who is a complete chocoholic! I added this on top of my porridge for breakfast and I must say it was delicious.

Lightly Toasted Pistachios- roasted pistachios with a touch of salt. This was the only snack in this box that did not contain any chocolate. I'm still undecided about this one. I had never tried pistachios before and I'm unsure whether I like them or not. I'll definitely try them again in the future and see whether I can actually decided whether I like them or not.

This was definitely my favourite box so far and I'm excited to try some more. The graze boxes are definitely perfect for satisfying those cravings I get throughout the day. After this box I don't know whether graze can make a better one but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Would you like a graze box for free? Just click HERE and you'll be able to have one sent to you at not cost at all!


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Review: Rimmel Kate Moss Matte Lipstick 107

I feel like I am the very last person to try this lipstick. For months bloggers have been going crazy for this lipstick creating a lot of hype around the product. I avoided purchasing it as I felt I already had enough lipsticks. However the time came where I was tired of hearing about it all the time and wanted to finally try it and see whether it was actually worth all the hype.

First of all I must talk about the packaging. There is something about the bright red packaging that catches my eye. The bright colour makes it easier to find when rooting around in your makeup bag. It definitely helps make the product stand out a little more amongst my other lipstick.

Now onto the actual product. The lipstick is a deep red plum shade, which is definitely the sort of colour I tend to wear more often. I was a little hesitant about the fact that this lipstick is matte as I tend to suffer from dry lips. However this lipstick applies very smoothly and doesn't drag on your lips at all. On first application it felt smooth and creamy and not drying in any way. The staying power of this lipstick is great too. When I first tested it's staying power I applied it once in the morning and only reapplied once during the day to brighten up the colour slightly after eating. Another plus side is that this is easy to apply without the need for a lip liner!

Overall, I absolutely love this lipstick. It has quickly become my everyday lipstick. It is definitely a bold colour and not for the faint hearted when it comes to lipstick. This lipstick has definitely made me want to try out more of the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks and for only £5.49 each how could you say no?

Have you tried any of the Kate Moss Lipsticks? If so, what are your thoughts?


Sunday, 17 March 2013

Review: Graze Box #1

A few weeks ago I received my first graze box. I came across grace when I kept seeing photos of the boxes on many instagram profiles. So I finally made the jump and ordered one. 

Graze is an online company that sends out weekly or fortnightly boxes which contain four healthy snacks. The aim is to help relieve those  cravings many of us get as the day goes on. Each box is small enough to fit through your letter box and so you don't have to worry about picking up a package if you don't happen to be home when they are delivered.
In my first box I received healthy popping corn (salted), super berry detox, cheddar gorge and honeycomb crunch.

Healthy Popping Corn (Salted)- This was definitely my favourite snack I received and as soon as I opened the box I headed straight to the microwave to try it out. This tastes just as good as any popcorn I've tried in the past. The flavouring is not over the top and you get such a good size portion. I was surprised by how much I actually got.

Super Berry Detox- I am a big fan of dried fruit and so I was really excited to try this.  In this you get blueberries, green raisins, goji berries and cranberries. These were very tasty and surprisingly very filling too. 

Cheddar Gorge- With this you get cheese cashews, baked herb bites and salsa corn sticks.  Although this sounded quite strange to me I actually ended up loving it. The only thing I would say is it can be quite drying but as long as you have a glass of water you won't have a problem.

Honeycomb Crunch- This was the final snack I tried. In it you get milk chocolate coated honeycomb, raisins and almonds. This is definitely perfect for when you have that sugar craving. 

The best part in my opinion about graze is the fact you can rate each snack. You can choose bin, try, like or love. This then helps the graze team choose what snacks to put in your box more often than others. On many snacks you can also select 'send soon' which is great if there is a particular snack you are craving. 

I think these boxed are such a great idea and definitely something you can look forward to coming home to each week. Each box is only £3.50 which include p&p. If you would like to receive your first graze box for free you can use my code 7Z24YQL. Or you can use this link to take you straight to the graze website by CLICKING HERE.

I am definitely excited to receive my next box and can't wait to try some new snacks.

Have you tried graze boxes?


Week In Pictures #5

1. Too cold and tired so this is my plan for the evening. / 2. haven't had these in years! / 3. You can never have too many candles. / 4. I couldn't decide which one I liked most so I got all three! / 5. 💤💤 / 6. Don't mind if I do! / 7.  😍😍 / 8. She's such a cutie! /

What have you been up to this week?


Thursday, 14 March 2013

Goodbye GFC

I'm sure many of you have heard that google are getting rid of google friend connect (GFC) which is so annoying because it means you will love all your followers. Also you will not be able to read your favourite blogs unless you import them to another site such as bloglovin'.

It's such a shame that google are doing this but what can you do I guess. It's simple enough to import your favourites, all you have to do is create an account and press import. If you can I urge that you make a post similar to this to help spread the word. This way we should be able to minimise the amount of followers lost!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Confessions of a Blogger

I've seen so many of these posts over the past few weeks so I thought I would join in and do my own.

When did you start your blog?
I started this blog back in December 2012. I had wanted to start a blog for so long but waited until I got a good camera so I would be able to take better pictures.

Have you had any past online presence before (Other blog, YouTube)?
No this is my first. I'd love to make a YouTube channel one day but currently I'm not confident enough to sit in front of the camera and chat away for 10 minutes.

Why did you start a blog?
I have been reading blogs for years and have always wanted to start my own.

When did you become serious about starting a blog?
I wouldn't say I'm super serious about my blog I'd describe it more as a hobby. It's something I love and I get enjoyment from putting up a new post.

What was your first post?
It was a post on christmas day and involved some of my favourite pictures I had taken that day.

What has been your biggest challenge about blogging?
I think the hardest thing for me so far is definitely posting regularly. Some days I sometimes just don't feel like blogging but I end up feeling bad if I don't. I need to try and set up a routine to try and make it easier to post more often and regularly.

Where do you see your blog in one year?
I just hope I'm still enjoying blogging as much as I currently do and hopefully I will have a bigger following of people.

What is the most rewarding thing to you about blogging?
Definitely the response from readers. I get quite excited when I see I have a new comment. Those comments are what motivates me to continue on blogging.

What is the most discouraging thing that happens to you?
I haven't had anything discouraging so far and hopefully it will stay that way.

What's your lasting inspiration or motivation?
As I have already said the comments I receive from readers motivate me to post more. I get a lot of inspiration from reading other people blogs and the way they design their posts. I take inspiration from pretty much anything, if I see something I like I take note of it and then try to come up with a post to do with it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this tag. Also I tag everyone!


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Beauty Wish List - March 2013

 I'm currently trying to save up and so I am unable to do much shopping at the moment. However, this has not stopped me browsing through some beauty websites and taking note of products that catch my eye.  This list just seems to be getting longer and longer, at this rate it will be never ending pretty soon.  Some of the products that I currently have my eye on include:

1. Models Own Hed Kandi Nail Polish in Beach Party
Whenever I see this nail polish I instantly think of summer. It's so bright and vibrant it instantly puts me in a good mood.  It can be purchased for £5 HERE

2. Urban Decay Naked Basics Eyeshadow Palette
I feel like I'm one of the only people who doesn't own this palette. As a person who doesn't tend to wear bright colours and sticks to the more neutral shades this palette would be perfect for me. It costs £20 and can be purchased online HERE

3.  Tigi S Factor Health Factor Duo
Over winter my hair seems to have taken a turn for the worst and has been left feeling extremely dry and brittle. The need for a good moisturising shampoo and conditioner is growing everyday.  You can pick this duo up for £30.80 HERE

4. Barry M Hi-Shine Jelly Nail Paint in Blueberry
I have become absolutely obsessed with wearing blue on my nails. I do not own any shade similar to this and as everyone has been raving about these nails varnishes I am desperate to add this one to my collections. It is extremely affordable costing only £3.99. Bargain! HERE

5. Illamasqua Limited Edition 'I'mperfection Nail Polish 
I cannot seem to choose only one colour because I seem to have fallen in love with the collection. I have never seen nail varnishes like these and thing they are perfect for spring with the pastel shades.

6. Benefit World Famous Neutrals 
All three of the newly released neutrals palettes are absolutely stunning to look at. As a person who loves neutrals I would love to try them all. If only I have £23.50 spare to purchase one of the palettes. HERE

7. Calvin Klein CK One Shock
This one comes as a 'shock' to me. (That joke wasn't intentionally I promise! ;) ) I have never been a huge fan of Calvin Klein scents but for some reason every time I go into boots I feel obliged to spray this one. Hopefully this will be my next perfume purchase. It costs £48.00 for 200ml and can be purchased HERE

What's on your beauty wish list this month? Do you want any of these products?


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Week In Pictures #4

1. Feel like I have read a book in ages. / 2. Coming home to a package definitely helps brighten my day. /

3. Been in such a good mood all day!. / 4. I love this film way too much. /

5. thank god it's friday! / 6. Perfect for when it's cold and horrible outside. / 

7. it all looks so tasty / 8. Last night. Even if I did leave early it was still good

What have you been up to this week?


Saturday, 9 March 2013

Mint 'Balmi' Lip Balm

I'm sure many of you have already read quite a few reviews on this little gem however, I thought I would express my thoughts and opinions on it anyway. For so long I have wanted to try the ever so hyped about EOS lip balms but as they are unavailable in the UK I have never had the chance. When I found out about these on another blogger's post I instantly knew I had to try them for myself.

I must say I absolutely adore the packaging. It has a unique shape like no other lip balm already available in the UK. 'Balmi' lip balms are available in four flavours: Mint, Coconut, Raspberry and Strawberry. All of which smell absolutely amazing but are not overpowering or synthetic in the slightest.  I picked up the mint flavour and as you can see the packaging is a lovely pastel green shade. Another plus side is that these lip balms have SPF 15 which is great for everyday.

The balm itself applies extremely smoothly and leaves your lips feeling super smooth and moisturised. It is so easy to use and the packaging design means you don't have to keep putting your fingers into a pot making it much more hygienic. The lip balm also has a little keyring attached which is perfect for those of us who tend to forget to bring a lip balm with you. With these all you need to do is add it to your keys and you're good to go. 
Many reviews have said the only downside to these lip balms is the price. At £4.99 it could be said that these are quite pricey for what they are however, in my opinion they are completely worth it. They have no faults for me and I will definitely repurchase and probably also go and pick up the other flavours. These lip balms can be picked up from boots and are often included in many 3 for 2 offers. This little gem is quickly becoming a must have beauty product for me and I can't wait to try out more.

Have you tried the 'Balmi' lip balms? What is your favourite lip balm?


Thursday, 7 March 2013

Boots Haul

Hey everyone! Today I thought I would share with you the few things I purchased from boots. If you read my post last week you will know that I've have been pretty ill recently which has led to me feeling pretty down and we all know what puts a girl in a better mood. Retail therapy! So I headed straight onto the boots website to purchase some new makeup as I haven't bought any makeup in what feels like forever. I have been in this routine recently where I have been trying to use up as many products as I can. However I have read about so many amazing products on blogs over the past few months and also there were some great offers on the boots website, as there always are, and so I just couldn't resist making a cheeky little order.
I'm sure you have probably read about all of these products already on other blogs but I thought I would go ahead and show you anyway.

Soap and Glory Wash Your Hands Of It
I am a firm lover of Soap and Glory products and also I am very particular when it comes to hands washes. Whenever I buy a new product I instantly have to smell it, if I do not like the smell there is a large chance that I will not like the product. However I love the smell of all Soap and Glory products I have tried so far and this is no different. It has a lovely fruity scent and I'm excited to place this in my bathroom and get some good use out of it.
Good Things Bright Eyes Eye Cream
Recently I have been having quite a few problems with my sleeping routine. This has led to me having quite bad under eye circles and experiencing a large amount of puffiness under the eyes. Therefore this cream sounded perfect for me as it claims to be 'anti puffiness and dark circles'.

Rimmel Kate Moss Matte Lipstick 107
Over the past few months I have heard so many people raving about this lipstick and for so long I resisted buying it. However this lipstick just sounded perfect for me! I love matte lipsticks and also deep berry coloured lipsticks so how could I go wrong. I am so excited to try it out and will be sure to do a full review to let you know whether it lives up to all the claims.

Bourjois Rouge Edition Lipstick 14 'Pretty Prune' 
Again this lipstick is extremely similar to the rimmel one but when you find something that works for you, you stick to it, right? After swatching this lipstick my first impressions are very good. I am extremely impressed with the pigmentation and the creaminess. I cannot wait to actually wear it out.

Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara
My current mascara is beginning to run out and as I used to absolutely love this mascara I thought I would pick it up ready for when my current one runs out completely. I have tried so many mascaras but  this one has always stood out for me and I can't wait to start using it again.
Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer
I'm pretty sure everyone in the beauty community has heard about this concealer. It is a staple beauty product for many. I have tried it in the past and I remember loving it however I  changed up my makeup routine and that meant getting rid of this concealer. Now it's back and I'm ready to try it out again and hopefully fall in love with it again.
Mint 'Balmi' Lip Balm
I have always wanted to try the EOS lip balms but they are unavailable in the UK. I read about this lip balm on another blogger's post and instantly knew I had to get it. Clearly it resembles the EOS lip balms in it's shape as it is also a domed shaped lip balm. The scent is gorgeous and on first impressions it goes on extremely smoothly and is very moisturising. I'm pretty confident in saying that this will become a handbag essential for me.
Rimmel Apocalips in 'Nude Eclipse'
The Rimmel Apocalips have also been well documented by many bloggers recently and I have only heard good things about them. I only bought one to try out but depending on how I get along with this one I may be heading back to boots to pick up some more. Nude Eclipse is the perfect nude colour for everyday.
Maybelline Superstay 10 Hour Tint Gloss in 'Timeless Plum'
I am a firm lover of stains as I do not like to have to reapply lip products throughout the day especially when I am at school and rushing around. I am forever trying out different stains to try and find the best. This caught my eye and I cannot wait to give it a try and see whether it can last all day.

Have you bought any new makeup recently? Have you tried any of these products?


Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. Huge thank you to Charlotte you should definitely check out her blog!
The Liebster Blog Awards Rules:

  1. Share 11 things about yourself
  2. Answer 11 things about that your tagger has given you
  3. Choose 11 fellow blogs to nominate. The nominees must have under 200 GFC
  4. Think of 11 questions to ask the blogger you have nominated
  5. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog

11 Things About Me:
  1. I am currently in year 12 in my first year of sixth form studying Maths, Chemistry and Biology
  2. I have a huge desire to take a gap year and travel around the world
  3. I hope to apply for university in America
  4. I spend an extremely large amount of time watching films
  5. I have two sisters, both of which are older than I am.
  6. I own way too many nail polishes
  7. I hate wearing socks that match
  8. I have my headphones in 90% of the time. Music is my life.
  9. My birthday is the 8th September
  10. Reality tv shows are my guilty pleasure
  11. I own over 50 pairs of shoes
My 11 Nominees
  1. Trina from trinawears
  2. Katy from therawrdrobe
  3. Lauren from theperksofbeinglauren
  4. Jamie from j4miejohnston
  5. Millie from hidbeauty
  6. Hannah from hannahheartss
  7. Fran from franleanne
  8. Sophia from fifiloves
  9. Ellie from diggingupthedaisies
  10. Beth from bethcapewell
  11. Becki from beautybook13
My Questions From Charlotte:

1. What is your favorite cereal?
Weetabix2. How old were you before you stopped believing in the tooth fairy?
Probably about 10
3. Who is your favorite author?
Stephen Chbosky
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you go?
California5. Who is your favourite singer/band?
Currently Ed Sheeran6. Favorite designer brand?
Marc Jacobs
7. If you had to live in a decade other than the current one, which would you choose?
Probably the 1970s8. Did you believe the world was going to end?
Not at all.9. Airplane or cruise ship?
Depends where I'm going10. What's your favourite TV show?
American Horror Story11. Where do you want to be in 10 years?:
Living in America

My Questions For You Guys:
1. Whats your favourite accent?
2. How many times do you wash your face daily?
3. What skin type do you have?
4. What foundation do you use?
5. What brand of mascara do you use?
6. What is your favourite lipstick?
7. Name a makeup crime that you hate?
8. If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use?
9. Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
1o. What do you think of fake eyelashes?
11. Do you know your undertone colour?


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Week In Photos #3

 1. Ending my day right / 2. Good weather, good mood /
3. All cosy on the sofa for the afternoon / 4. Lunchtime! Yay
5. So many episodes to catch up on. / 6. Aww my mum got me a red nose day shirt /
7. School work can wait! /
